Monday, August 9, 2010

A Peacock in full swing recently at Trivandrum...

Peacock is the national bird of India. The male stretches its feathers and dance. Peacock is very much attractive for both children and adults. Peahen lay eggs. Peachicks are born from the eggs.
Peafowl’s basic foods are corn, wheat etc. They also eat insects, plants, and small creatures.
“Peacock” is used to refer both male and female birds. Specifically males are called peacocks and females are called peahens. They are together called peafowl.
Peacocks are mainly of two species , the blue peacock and the green peacock. The blue peacock lives in India and Sri Lanka while the green peacock is found mainly in Java and Myanmar. Another little known species called the Congo peacock is found in the Africam rain forests.

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